Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

When Jake + Kristen told me about their Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding ideas for the first time I was surprised that I have never photographed at this venue before. I am frequently working with clients at Whistler, Squamish or close by Furry creek venues yet this one kind of slipped through my fingers. Luckily J+K liked my wedding fair portfolio at Westin Bayshore hotel last January so much they booked me directly at the show. Scenic, dramatic and unique approach to wedding portraits is mu goal for every single client I photograph. The day started with a rain so drama was not just above us in the sky :). But guys were great and since the wedding started not a single rain drop showed up around them. After a short getting ready session at close by hotel, the ceremony started in a very easy west coast style followed by family and bridal party formals. Once we had those magic portraits created the candid paradise of reception event could start up. Drinking, dancing, BBQ feasting everything was well planned and executed, so happiness was shining allover the whole place and guests were having blast.

How do you plan for such a great fun? You simply live it. Jake and Kristen with their friends and families simply lived their wedding celebration and it was awesome. And what a great time it was you can se in following images from the big day.

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Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding


Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

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Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding


Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding


Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

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Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding
Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

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And when the last sun rays were gone and the stars took over in the sky the evening went still strong and joy was everywhere around us 🙂 Another amazing wedding celebration to be part of.

Squamish Valley Golf Club wedding

Thank you Kristen and Jake for having me to photograph you on this amazing day of your lives.

Wish you all the best and good luck in your new home on Vancouver Island guys.

Jozef from Povazan Photography